[Math] Nature of stability of critical points

linear algebraordinary differential equations

Consider the linear system $$\begin{bmatrix} \dot{x} \\ \dot{y} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\y \end{bmatrix}$$

Show the critical point is asymptotically stable if $q > 0$ and $p < 0,$ stable if $q > 0$ and $p = 0$ and unstable if $q < 0$ or $p > 0.$ $p$ and $q$ denote the trace and the determinant
of the matrix respectively.

This system is already linear so there is no need to Taylor expand about the critical points to determine the local behaviour. Let $A$ denote the matrix in question, then $$|A- \lambda I| = 0 \Rightarrow \lambda = \frac{p \pm \sqrt{p^2 – 4q}}{2}$$

The nature of each critical point which are given by $x$ and $y$ that satisfy $\dot{x}=\dot{y} = 0$ are $\left(-\frac{a_{12}a_{21}}{a_{11}a_{21}}y_o, y_0\right)$ and depend on the signage and form of the eigenvalues of $A$.

I then took each case separately: Asymptotically stable points occur when $\lambda_i$ are real and negative or of the form of complex conjugates with negative real part $-r \pm i\mu$. My first question is that to determine the conditions on $p$ and $q$ for each case (asymptotically stable, stable or unstable) do I need to just analyse one form of eigenvalues that correspond to that particular nature or analyse them all. For example, $-r \pm i\mu \Rightarrow$ $p < 0$ and $q > 0$, exactly as the question states. Would I then need to show that the same condition holds for the case of the $\lambda_i$ being real and negative? Or is it the case, that since they are already part of the asymptotically stable points, that I do not need to?

There is only one form of eigenvalues corresponding to stable points and I am fine with this.

For unstable, I am a little unsure. The cases are $\lambda_1, \lambda_2 > 0, \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 >0,$

$\lambda_2 < 0 < \lambda_1,$ and $ \lambda_1, \lambda_2 = r \pm i\mu, r > 0$

The last set has to have $p>0$ and $q > 0$, but the question only states $p>0$ or $q<0$. Surely in this case, $q > 0$ otherwise we may not have complex eigenvalues?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

I will do a couple of examples and see if you can do the rest.

Show the critical point is asymptotically stable if $q > 0$ and $p < 0,$ stable if $q > 0$ and $p = 0$ and unstable if $q < 0$ or $p > 0.$ $p$ and $q$ denote the trace and the determinant of the matrix respectively.

  • Stable if $q > 0$ and $p = 0$, we have: $\lambda_{1,2} = \pm i \sqrt{q} \rightarrow$ stable center.
  • Unstable if $q < 0$ or $p > 0$, we have three cases here:

Case 1: If $D = (tr A)^2 - 4 \det A > 0$, and $tr(A) > 0$, it means that we have real eigenvalues and an unstable node.

Case 2: If $D = (tr A)^2 - 4 \det A > 0$, $\det A < 0 \rightarrow$ saddle.

Case 3: If $D = (tr A)^2 - 4 \det A < 0$, $\det A >0$, we have complex conjugate eigenvalues. If $tr(A) > 0$, we have an unstable spiral.

  • Can you do the case $q > 0$ and $p < 0$? (You have a stable node or stable spiral.)

Now, can you relate these back to the critical point.