[Math] Natural numbers in set theory is $\{0,1,2,…\}?$

elementary-set-theorynatural numbers

The set of natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$ in set theory is defined with the axiom of infinity as the smallest inductive set and then it is usually proven that $\mathbb{N}$ satisfies the Peano axioms and well-ordering. However, I have yet to see a treatment where it is proven that $\mathbb{N}$ is equal to $\{0,1,2,…\}$, i.e. $\mathbb{N}$ contains the successors of 0 and nothing else.

I guess to answer my question, I would need to construct a model of set theory in which $\mathbb{N}$ contains $0$, $1$, $2$, etc. plus some extra junk and show that this model indeed works. Maybe someone has done this already? Or maybe it can be proven directly?

Edit: There seems to be some confusion in the comments and answers below. After some thought, I believe that what I want to show is that $\mathbb{N}$ does not contain an element apart from 0 that is not the successor of anything else in $\mathbb{N}$. I think I can prove this by contradiction with the axiom of specification to get an inductive set smaller than $\mathbb{N}$.

Best Answer

Instead of working "backwards", work "forward". In that case, the need for the axiom of infinity is also mitigated.

Begin by defining ordinals, or cardinals whichever you like. Ordinals work better since they have an inherent successor operation. Now define the notion of "finiteness", it is true that many times this notion makes an appeal to the natural numbers but there are purely set theoretical definitions of finiteness. For example Dedekind-finiteness, Tarski-finiteness, and others.

Now define $\omega$ as the collection of all finite ordinals. This is exactly what you get when you begin with $\{0\}$ and close it under the successor operation. Next show, if you like, that this set is inductive and that it is in fact minimal.

In the course I'm TA'ing right now, the professor (who is a distinguished set theorist) is taking this sort of approach. The natural numbers are some atomic object at first, and after defining the ordinals we take the finite ordinals, $\omega$ as the set theoretic natural numbers. This circumvents the need to talk about inductive sets at all.