[Math] Name for this sorting algorithm


I’ve just been playing around with some numbers and stumbled across this sorting algorithm:
Take a set of integers
Count how many numbers you can subtract 1 from (without going negative) – (5)

Same for subtracting 2 – (3)

Same for subtracting 3 – (1)

Same for subtracting 4 – (1)

Finally for subtracting 5 – (1)

This creates a new ordered set $\{5,3,1,1,1\}$
Perform the exact same algorithm with this new set of numbers and it will produce $\{5,2,2,1,1\}$ which is the original set in descending order.

I’m fairly confident the time complexity is $O(n^2)$ (for inputs that are integers smaller than the set size). I can draw a diagram confirming that it works too. Just wondering if it already has a name? Thanks in advance

Best Answer

This algorithm is essentially counting sort


This algorithm can be computed in a single step when there is a diagonal symmetry in the Ferrer diagram

E.g permutations of 5,3,2,1,1

Or permutations of 4,3,2,1

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