Elementary Number Theory – Existence of Integer N with Infinitely Many Solutions for ?(n) = N


Let $\varphi: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ be the totient function.

Is there an integer $N > 0$ such that there are infinitely many integers $n > 0$ such that
$$\varphi(n) = N?$$

Best Answer

No. Let $M\in\mathbb{Z}^{+}$ and let $p$ be the smallest prime such that $p> M+1$. Let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $\varphi(n)=M$. Now, suppose $q\ge p$ is a prime factor of $n$. Then, write $n=q^k\cdot m$, fro some $k\ge 1$ and $q\nmid m$. Then, we get $$\varphi(n)=\varphi(q^k\cdot m)=\varphi(q^k)\varphi(m)\ge q-1\ge p-1>M,$$ contradiction. Thus, no prime divisor of $n$ can be greater than $M+1$.

Thus, the prime divisors of $n$ make up a finite set, say $\{p_1,\ldots,p_m\}$. Now, write $n=p_1^{e_1}\cdots p_m^{e_m}$, for $e_i>0$. Then,

$$\varphi(n)=\varphi(p_1^{e_1})\cdots\varphi(p_m^{e_m})=\prod_{i=1}^{m}p_i^{e_i-1}(p_i-1).$$ Now, note that for each prime $p_i$, we have $\varphi(n)\ge p_i^{e_i-1}(p_i-1)>M$ for a sufficiently large choice of $e_i$. Thus, for each $p_i$ there are only finitely many valid choices for the $e_i$, and it follows that the set of all $n$ s.t. $\varphi(n)=M$ is finite.

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