[Math] n explicit form for cubic Bézier curves


(See edits at the bottom)

I'm trying to use Bézier curves as an animation tool. Here's an image of what I'm talking about:

Example of a Bézier curve

Basically, the value axis can represent anything that can be animated (position, scaling, color, basically any numerical value). The Bézier curve is used to control the speed at which the value is changing as well as it start and ending value and time. In this graphic, the animated value would slowly accelerate to a constant speed, then decelerate and stop.

The problem is, that Bézier curve is defined with parametric equations.

$f_x(t):=(1-t)^3p_{1x} + 3t(1-t)^2p_{2x} + 3t^2(1-t)p_{3x} + t^3p_{4x}$

$f_y(t):=(1-t)^3p_{1y} + 3t(1-t)^2p_{2y} + 3t^2(1-t)p_{3y} + t^3p_{4y}$

What I need is a representation of that same Bézier curve, but defined as value = g(time), that is, y = g(x).

I've tried solving for t in the x equation and substituting it in the y equation, but that 3rd degree is giving me some difficulty.
I also tried integrating the derivative of the Bézier curve (dy/dx) with respect to t, but no luck.

Any ideas?

Note : "Undefined" situations are avoided by preventing the tangent control points from going outside the hull horizontally, preventing any overlap in the time axis.

I have found two possible solutions. One uses Decasteljau's algorithm to approximate the $s$ parameter from the $t$ parameter, $s$ being the parameter of the parametric curve and $t$ being the time parameter. Here (at the bottom).

The other, from what I can understand of it, recreates a third degree polynomial equation matching the curve by solving a system of linear equation. Here. I understand the idea, but I'm not sure of the implementation. Any help?

Best Answer

You're really looking for a cubic equation in one dimension (time).

$$ y = u_0(1-x)^3 + 3u_1(1-x)^2x + 3u_2(1-x)x^2 + u_3x^3 $$

Is all you need.

Walking $t$ at even intervals (say in steps of 0.1) takes evenly spaced points along the parametric curve.

enter image description here

So, the answer to your question is really quite simple. The parametric bezier curve provides 2 variables as the output, with only 1 variable as the input. To control an animation in time like these, that's only a 1 dimensional situation. So consider $t$ as time, and drop one variable (say drop $x$). Your animation ease curve is controlled by the $y$ value:

enter image description here

Now as $t=0,0.1..1$, you have an animation parameter that starts slowly, moves at medium speed in the middle, and slows down at the end.


Setting $u_0=0$, $u_1=0.05$, $u_2=0.25$, $u_3=1$ gives an ease-in curve (slow start, fast end)

ease-in curve

Setting $u_0=0$, $u_1=0.75$, $u_2=0.95$, $u_3=1$ gives an ease-out curve (fast start, slow end)

ease-out curve