[Math] n explicit description of the fields laws on this field


I'm working on a fairly simple problem about a field, but I want to know if the operations can be explicitly described.

Suppose $c$ is not a quadratic residue modulo $p$, and consider the quotient ring $\mathbb{F}_p[X]/(x^2-c)$. Now $x^2-c$ is irreducible over $\mathbb{F}_p$, so it generates a maximal ideal, and thus $\mathbb{F}_p[X]/(x^2-c)$ can be viewed as a 2-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_p$, and thus has order $p^2$. If I take $a$ to be a root of $x^2-c$ in some extension field, then I can view the elements of the field as $0,a,c,ac,c^2,ac^2,c^3,\dots,ac^{(p^2-3)/2},c^{(p^2-1)/2}$, for a total of $p^2$ elements.

However, I don't know how to actually state what addition and multiplication look like in this field. Is there a clever way to describe the operations explicitly? Thanks.

Best Answer

The elements you list need not be all distinct, so your list need not be the full list of elements of your field.

For example, consider $\mathbf{F}_7$; the squares are $1$, $2$, and $4$. In particular, $-1$ is not a square, so you can take $c=-1$; then your list of elements consists only of $0$, $a$, $-1$, $-a$, and $1$, which is only $5$ elements, not the required $49$.

In fact, your list can never be all the elements, because $c^p = c$ holds, so you are repeating a lot of elements, and not getting all of them.

(Added. The best you can hope for is if $c$ is a primitive element of $\mathbf{F}_7$; that is, it generates the group of units. You still get only $2p-1$ of the required $p^2$ elements, though.)

Instead, you want to think of the elements as being the result of evaluating polynomials at $a$; since every polynomial can be written as a multiple of $x^2-c$ plust a remainder, the elements of the field will be of the form $ra+s$, with $r,s\in\mathbb{F}_p$. You add them the usual way, $(ra+s) + (ta+u) = (r+t)a+(s+u)$, with addition on the right being addition modulo $p$, and you multiply them by using the fact that $x^2=c$, $$(ra+s)(ta+u) = (ru+st)a + (su+rtc).$$