[Math] n equivalent to the distributive law for division over subtraction and/or addition


I understand that the the distributive law cannot be applied to division over addition/subtraction, but is there an equivalent law to expand it out. For example, I know:
$$100 \times (5 + 3) = (100 \times 5) + (100 \times 3),$$
but with
$$100 \div (5 + 3),$$
I can't do (that is, is not equal to)
$$(100 \div 5) + (100\div 3).$$

Is there a way I can "distribute" when it is division over addition/subtraction?

Best Answer

$\dfrac ab + \dfrac ac = a\left( \dfrac 1b + \dfrac 1c \right) = a(b+c) \div (bc) $