[Math] My notes say a torus and a sphere homeomorphic


I have the following definition for a torus

$I = [0, 1]$

$I^2 = I \times I$

$T^2 = I^2 / \sim$ where $\sim$ is an equivalence relation generated by

$(0, t) \sim (1, t) \ \forall \ t \in I$

$(s, 0) \sim (s, 1) \ \forall \ t \in I$

Then I have the following defintion for a sphere

$X = \{(3 + \cos(t))\cos(s), (3 + \cos(t))\sin(s), \sin(t)) \in \mathbb{R^3}, s,t \in \mathbb{R}\} \subseteq \mathbb{R^3}$, a subspace of $\mathbb{R^3}$

This will give us unit a sphere centered at $(3, 0 ,0)$

Now my notes say $T^2$ and $X$ are homeomorphic. But I have read numerous times that this is not true. So where is the problem? Is $T^2$ actually a torus? Here's the (awkward looking using Latex) visual I have in my notes for $T^2$, which makes me think it's a torus?


$| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ |$

^ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $ ^

$| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ |$


Best Answer

The parametric surface you've described is not a unit sphere centered at $(3,0,0)$, but is instead a torus where the radius of the central circus of the torus is three, and the radius of a cross section of the donut is 1.