[Math] Must imaginary roots come in conjugate pairs

complex numberspolynomialsroots

I am aware that for any polynomial with real coefficients, the imaginary roots (if there are any) must come in complex pairs. However, I always believed that you could still have an imaginary number – without a conjugate – as a root. However, I came upon the question:

Which of the following is a polynomial with roots $0$, $4$, and $i$.
a. $x^3 – 4x^2 + x – 4$
b. $x^3 – ( 4+i )x^2 + 4ix$
c. $x^4 – 4x^3 + x^2 – 4x$
d. $x^2 – 4x$
3. $x^4 – 4x^3 + x^2 + 4x$

Using the roots $0, 4, $and $i$, I found the factors to be $(x)(x-4)(x-i)$, which simplifies to choice b, $x^3 – ( 4+i )x^2 + 4ix$. However, the answer in the book states:

C Complex roots occur in conjugate pairs. If $i$ is a root of the polynomial, then $-i$ is also a root. Use the four roots to determine the factors of the polynomial. Then multiply to get the polynomial.

$x^4 – 4x^3 + x^2 – 4x$

I'm not sure how they can assume that their are complex conjugate pairs, since there are no constraints that the coefficients be real.

Best Answer

The book's answer is nonsense. Your calculation gives a polynomial with roots at $0,\,4,\,i$ as desired and is a very direct way to find the minimal polynomial that will have a root at all of those places. More simply, one can see this phenomenon since $x-i=0$ is a polynomial with a single root at $i$. Complex roots only necessarily come in conjugate pairs for polynomials with real coefficients. As you note, the book's answer would be correct if you were asked to find a real polynomial with those roots.

(Not to mention that this question is terribly ambiguous, since it doesn't seem clear whether the polynomial should have only those three roots, or those three should be among the roots, in which case both (b) and (c) would work)