Regression – Multivariate Quadratic Regression Techniques


I would like to make a polynomial regression, but for multivariate input data. In the univariate case, one can write polynomial regression as a multivariate linear regression problem and can come up with the closed form for ordinary least squares of

\begin{pmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{pmatrix} = (\mathbf X^T \mathbf X)^{-1} \mathbf X^T \mathbf Y

(see e.g. Equations For Quadratic Regression or

However, in my case, the quadratic regression is multivariate, so

\min_{a,b,C} \sum_{i=1}^N y_i – (a + b^T\cdot x_i + x_i^T\cdot C\cdot x_i)^2

where $C$ is a symmetric matrix, $b$ and $x_i$ are vectors, $y_i$ and $a$ are scalars and $N$ is the number of samples (we can assume we have enough samples to have an overdetermined system).

Does a closed form exist here as well, and if so, what does it look like?

If not, how do I do the regression? Obviously I could use regular optimization methods, like BFGS, with the constraints, that C is symmetric, but that is not as efficient as I would hope for.

Best Answer

You can do multi-variate quadratic regression in the usual way. Let's label the row (and column) indices of the design matrix $A$, and the row index of the value vector $b$, by index $s(\{p_1, p_2, p_3, \cdots\})$ which pertains to the coefficient of $x_i^{p_1}x_2^{p_2}\cdots$. For example, the row labeled $s(\{ 1, 0, 2\})$ will be the row pertaining to the coefficient of $x_1x_3^2$.

Then the elements of $A$ are calculated as $$ A_{s(\{p_1, p_2, p_3, \cdots\}),s(\{q_1, q_2, q_3, \cdots\})} = \sum x_1^{p_1+q_1} x_2^{p_2+q_2} x_3^{p_3+q_3} \cdots $$ and the elements of $b$ are $$ b_{s(\{p_1, p_2, p_3, \cdots\})} = \sum y\,x_1^{p_1} x_2^{p_2} x_3^{p_3} \cdots $$ where of course all the sums are taken over the set of data points.

For example, for a 2-variable quadratic fit $y = a + bu + cv + du^2 + e uv + fv^2$ you need to solve $$ \pmatrix{N &\sum u_i &\sum v_i & \sum u_i^2 & \sum u_iv_i & \sum v_i^2 \\ \sum u_i & \sum u_i^2 & \sum u_i v_i & \sum u_i^3 & \sum u_i^2v_i & \sum u_i v_i^2 \\ \sum v_i & \sum u_iv_i & \sum v_i^2 & \sum u_i^2v_i & \sum u_iv_i^2 & \sum v_i^3 \\ \sum u_i^2 & \sum u_i^3 & \sum u_i^2 v_i & \sum u_i^4 & \sum u_i^3v_i & \sum u_i^2 v_i^2 \\ \sum u_iv_i & \sum u_i^2v_i & \sum u_i v_i^2 & \sum u_i^3v_i & \sum u_i^2v_i^2 & \sum u_i v_i^3 \\ \sum v_i^2 & \sum u_iv_i^2 & \sum v_i^3 & \sum u_i^2v_i^2 & \sum u_iv_i^3 & \sum v_i^4 } \pmatrix{a\\b\\c\\d\\e\\f} =\pmatrix{\sum y_i \\ \sum y_i u_i \\ \sum y_iv_i \\ \sum y_iu_i^2\\ \sum y_iu_iv_i \\ \sum y_iv_i^2} $$

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