[Math] Multivariate normal value standardization

MATLABmultivariable-calculusnormal distributionprobability distributions

I am wonder how to standardize multivariate normal value.

Normal standard multivariate distribution of $q$ variables is $z\sim N_q(0,I_q)$. I have found that $a+Bz\sim N_q(Ba,BB^T)$ and based on this fact normalization could be performed throught two ways:

1) Substracting mean vector and then taking $B=\Sigma^{-0.5}$ (as it gives $\Sigma^{-0.5} \Sigma (\Sigma^{-0.5})^T=I_q$) we get normalized value: $z=\Sigma^{-0.5}(x-a)$.

2) Using Cholesky decomposition $\Sigma=U^TU$ we get normalization rule $z=(U^T)^{-1}(x-a)$

But both strategies does not work!

So you can check it using matlab code below:

x=[0.5, 0.7];

I also add code for R that gives the same results proving that the problem is not due to programm but due to incorrect appoach:

SIGMA=matrix(c(0.95,0.19,0.19,0.97), ncol=2)
MU=c(0.1333, -0.1)
pmvnorm(mean = MU, sigma=SIGMA, lower=-Inf, upper=x)
pmvnorm(mean = MU, sigma=SIGMA, lower=-Inf, upper=z)

As the difference is rather big I am sure that such standardization approach is incorrect. But it is the only technicks I have found despite it is a hot and applied subject.

Will be very greatful for help!

PS: I also performed Jordan form approach but the result is still wrong:


Best Answer

If $X\sim N_q(a,\Sigma)$ (so $X$ is a random vector taking values in $\mathbb R^{q\times1}$) and $B\in\mathbb R^{p\times q}$ then $BX\sim N_p(Ba,B\Sigma B^T)$.

The matrix $\Sigma^{-1/2}$ should be taken to be the positive-definite symmetric square root of $\Sigma^{-1}$. Then we have $\Sigma^{-1/2}(X-a)\sim N_q(0,I_q)$.

Where I'm sitting I don't have access to MATLAB. Maybe if you could post some output I could say something about that. My initial suspicion is that MATLAB may be taking $\Sigma^{-1/2}$ to be something other than the positive-definite symmetric square root of $\Sigma^{-1}$. If you could tell us what MATLAB tells you is the value of $\Sigma^{-1/2}$ that would tell us whether that is what is happening.

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