[Math] Multivariable Mean Value Theorem With Equalities


I'm having a lot of trouble deciphering the notation in this proof of the mean value theorem in several variables. For example, on page 2 of this link we see an example of why the multivariable mean value equality fails & a claim that the best we can do is to find an inequality, yet the pages I've posted provide an equality. I can't understand the notation, & I'm afraid to learn something like this when a ton of sources clearly claim a mean value equality theorem doesn't hold, for example on stack, so I'd sincerely appreciate some help with this, like a comprehensive explanation by someone interested, because if this proof is valid then an extremely easy proof of the inverse function theorem analogous to the single-variable version follows automatically, many thanks!

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Best Answer

$\def \R {\mathbb{R}}$ It depends on what you mean by mean value theorem in several variables. What doesn't work is mean value theorem for $f: \R^n \to \R^m$ for $m > 1$ since each coordinate in codomain can dictate a different point in domain. But the case $m = 1$, $n > 1$ is ok.

The conterexample on page 2 of InvFT is a counterexample for following mean value theorem: For differentiable $f: \R^n \to \R^m$, there is a point $c$ on line $[a, b] ⊆ \R^n$ such that $f(b) - f(a) = (D_c f)(b - a)$, where $D_c f: \R^n \to \R^m$ is the derivative / differential of $f$ at point $c$. However this theorem holds if $m = 1$ as Theorem 9 from your scanned source shows.

But Theorem 11 on page 14 from your scanned source says something different. It says that there are points $c_i$ on line $[a, b]$, $i ∈ \{1, …, m\}$ such that $f(b) - f(a) = L(b - a)$ where $L = [D_{c_i} f_i: i ∈ \{1, …, m\}]$ where $f_i$ is $i$-th component of $f$.

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