[Math] Multiplying both sides of matrix equation by inverse


Say I have the following relationship between matrices:

$AB = A^{2} + 2A$

If I multiply both sides of the equation by $A^{-1}$ is the resulting equation equivalent, meaning it doesn't change the values of A or B? So for example:

$(A^{-1})AB = (A^{-1})A^{2} + (A^{-1})(2A)$

And thus get:

$B = A + 2I$

Is this correct?

EDIT: Assume A is a square invertible matrix.

Best Answer

Provided an inverse exists multiplying by an inverse matrix preserves the relation you started with. This is analogous to dividing two sides of a relation. For example if $x,y\in\mathbb{R}$:


Provided that $x\neq0$ then:



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