How to Multiply Factorials


I have a small comprehension gap with an easy equation. I have following term and I don’t know how to multiply it correctly. $ (n+1)(n+1)!+(n+1)!-1 $

One intermediate step must be. $ (n+2)(n+1)!-1 $

The result should be $ (n+2)!-1 $.

How do I multiply the term correct?
Is the attempt correct to multiply binomial series to $ (n+1)^2n!+(n+1)!-1 $?

It would awesome, if someone could help me.

Best Answer

$$(n+1)\color{red}{(n+1)!}+\color{red}{(n+1)!}-1$$ $$=(n+1)![(n+1)+1]-1$$ $$=(n+2)(n+1)!-1$$ $$=(n+2)!-1$$

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