[Math] Multiplicative Inverses in Non-Commutative Rings


My abstract book defines inverses (units) as solutions to the equation $ax=1$ then stipulates in the definition that $xa=1=ax$, even in non-commutative rings. But I'm having trouble understanding why this would be true in the generic case.

Can someone help me understand?

Book is "Abstract Algebra : An Introduction – Third Edition" By Thomas W. Hungerford. ISBN-13: 978-1-111-56962-4 (Chapter 3.2)


Ok, I think I got it. Left inverses are not necessarily also right inverses. However, if an element has a left inverse and a right inverse, then those inverses are equal:

$$ lx = 1 \\ xr = 1\\ lxr = r \\ lxr = l \\ r = l $$


Also, I assumed that 'unit' was synonymous with 'has a multiplicative inverse'. It is not; a 'unit' is an element that has both a left and right inverse, not just an inverse in general.

Best Answer

No, I have the book in front of me and he defines units as elements that have both a left and a right inverse, so $a$ is a unit if there exist elements $x$ and $y$ in $R$ such that $ax=ya=1$. Note $x$ need not equal $y$.

In his very next Remark he then proves that in this situation $x=y$, as a theorem, not as part of the definition.

Edit: Now you are editing your question and filling it with even more confusion. You might try a book with more examples, such as Dummit & Foote.

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