[Math] Move a point with known angle on a circle


Having a circle of radius $R$ with the center in $O(0, 0)$, a starting point on the circle (e.g. $(0, R)$) and an angle $\alpha$, how can I move the point on the circle with $\alpha$ degrees? I need to get the second point where it was moved.


The red point is on $(0, R)$ and $\alpha$ is $90$ degrees. The violet circle is where the first point is supposed to be moved, and its coordinates are $(R, 0)$. Then we consider the violet point as starting point and move it with $45$ degrees. The new position will be where the blue circle is.

Best Answer

enter image description here

As you can see from the image, The point you require is at $-45 $ Degree from $0$ . So your required point is $R \cos (-\pi /4), R \sin (-\pi/4)$

Which can be equivalently written as?