[Math] Monte Carlo algorithm that determines if a permutation of the integers 1 through $n$ has already been sorted.

algorithmsdiscrete mathematicsmonte carloprobability

This question is from "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications", from Kenneth Rosen, 6th Edition.

Devise a Monte Carlo algorithm that determines whether
a permutation of the integers 1 through $n$ has already been
sorted (that is, it is in increasing order), or instead, is a random
permutation. A step of the algorithm should answer
“true” if it determines the list is not sorted and “unknown”
otherwise. After $k$ steps, the algorithm decides that the integers
are sorted if the answer is “unknown” in each step.
Show that as the number of steps increases, the probability
that the algorithm produces an incorrect answer is
extremely small. [Hint: For each step, test whether certain
elements are in the correct order. Make sure these
tests are independent.]

Here is my attempt at a solution:

Algorithm (informal description): Given a permutation of the integers 1 through $n$, in each step of the algorithm, one element is randomly chosen from the permutation, with a total of $k$ steps. In each step, if the value of the chosen element is $i$, the algorithm checks if the element is in the correct position, that is, if it is in the $i^{th}$ position of the permutation (with $1\leq i\leq n$). If it is in the correct position, the result is "unknown"; otherwise, the result is "true". For example, in the permutation $162453$, the number $4$ is in the $4^{th}$ position, therefore it is in the correct position in the permutation. If all steps give the result "unknown" , the algorithm determines that the permutation is sorted; otherwise, it determines that the integers are not sorted.

I posted the details as an answer, but I'm not sure whether it is correct and completely consistent. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

How about this: Select $i$ uniformly from $1\ldots n-1$, and then $j$ uniformly from $i+1\ldots n$, so we have $i<j$.

Now check if $a_i < a_j$. If not, we can be sure that the elements of the permutation are not sorted; halt. But if $a_i < a_j$, we are still unsure.

In a random permutation, we will have $a_i < a_j$ with probability $\frac12$. So if we run the algorithm for $k$ steps, and we are still unsure, then we have $2^{-k}$ confidence that the permutation is sorted and not random.

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