[Math] Monopoly dice probabilities, including doubles


According to Monopoly, when you roll a set of doubles, you get to roll again.
So if we get 6;6, 5;5, 4;4, 3;3, 2;2, 1;1, we will roll again. However, Monopoly has the "speeding" rule, this means that you go to jail after rolling three doubles. Theorically, it's possible to get to the 35 square by dice alone on your first turn. 6;6, 6;6, 6;5.
How can I calculate the probability of rolling to any square from "GO"?

  1. Square 1- 0
  2. Square 2- 0
  3. Square 3- 2/36 (2;1 , 1;2)
  4. Square 4- 2/36 (3;1 , 1;3)
  5. Square 5- 4/36 (4;1, 1;4, 3;2, 2;3) + X (2 (1;1) and then 3 (2/36))???

Thanks for reading

Best Answer

Square 5. $$\frac{4}{36}+\frac{1}{36}\frac{2}{36}$$

Explaination. $\frac{1}{36}$ is the probability for (1,1). Then $\frac{2}{36}$ is the probability for either (2,1) or (1,2).

Square 6. $$\frac{4}{36}+\frac{1}{36}\frac{2}{36}$$

Just go case by case for this one.

Square 7.


Just go case by case for this one, first one throw, then two throws, first (1,1), then two throws, first (2,2), then three throws, first (1,1), then (1,1).

And so on. By working by cases, one can get the following graphs. There is a 1/216, approximately 0.00463, probability to get in jail.

enter image description here enter image description here

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