[Math] Monic polynomials whose roots are their remaining coefficients


I was bored in class one day and wondered to myself if there were any quadratics $x^2+ax+b$ such that $a$ and $b$ are the zeros. I found two: $x^2+x-2,$ and $x^2 -{1\over2}x -{1\over2}$. The comments suggested $x^2+0x+0$, though this seems trivial. I wonder if this applies to other degree polynomials. Clearly it never works for a linear, except for $x+0=0$, as if $x+a=0$, $x=-a$, not $a$. What about cubics, quadratics, or even higher powers? In general, $x^n$ works. What about non-trivial solutions?

Best Answer

For the quadratic case $x^2+ax+b=0$, by Viète's formulas we have $$-a=a+b\qquad b=ab$$ The first formula implies $b=-2a$. Substituting this into the second equation gives $-2a=-2a^2$ or $a=a^2$, so $a=0,1$. These give corresponding $b$ values of 0 and $-2$ respectively, so the unique non-trivial quadratic "auto-solving" polynomial is $x^2+x-2=0$.

For the cubic case $x^3+ax^2+bx+c$, the same formulas give $$-a=a+b+c\qquad b=ab+bc+ca\qquad-c=abc$$ If $c=0$ the situation is just the quadratic case with another zero root. In general, if $p(x)$ is auto-solving, so is $p(x)x^k$ for any $k>0$, since only extra zeros are introduced to both the coefficient and root list. Thus we have for example $x^3+x^2-2x$, but these are trivial.

There is a nice non-trivial auto-solving cubic polynomial, $x^3+x^2-x-1$, but also a very ugly one given by $$a=0.56519771\dots$$ $$b=-1.76929235\dots$$ $$c=0.63889691\dots$$ (It turns out that these values are in the OEIS: A273065, $-$A273066, A273067.)

And this is just the all-real solution! There are two solutions with complex coefficients. One is given by $$a={-0.78259885\dots}-0.52171371\dots i$$ $$b={0.88464617\dots}-0.58974280\dots i$$ $$c={0.68055154\dots}+1.63317024\dots i$$ and the other is obtained by taking the complex conjugates of the values above.

For quartics, there is only one non-trivial real auto-solving polynomial, $x^4+x^3+ax^2+bx+c$ where $$a=-1.75487766\dots$$ $$b=-0.56984029\dots$$ $$c=0.32471795\dots$$ Even more startlingly, there are no auto-solving real polynomials of degree five or higher. This and the uniqueness of the quartic example were proved by Paul R. Stein in "On Polynomial Equations with Coefficients Equal to Their Roots" (March 1966), American Mathematical Monthly 73 (3), pp. 272-274.