[Math] Moment of inertia about center of mass of a curve that is the arc of a circle.


Let $(x(s),y(s))$ be a smooth 2-d plane curve which is an arc of a circle of a certain radius $r$. Assume it is represented by an inelastic string $S$ of finite length, lying in a 2-d plane. Let there be an infinitesimally small displacement in the inelastic string so that its new position is given by another smooth curve $(x'(s),y'(s))$. Let $$\delta = \max(\sup_s(|x(s)-x'(s)|), \sup_s(|y(s)-y'(s)|))$$

Consider the set $K_{\epsilon}$ of all curves $(x'(s),y'(s))$ such that their displacement $\delta \le \epsilon$. It needs to be shown that we can consider small enough $\epsilon$ such that the curve $(x(s),y(s))$ has the highest moment of inertia about center of mass, among all other curves that belong to $K_{\epsilon}$.

I'd like to know how to prove this statement if its true.


The moment of inertia of a curve $(x(s),y(s))$ of finite length is given as $\int_0^s ((x(s)-x_c)^2 + (y(s)-y_c)^2) ds$. where $(x_c,y_c)$ is the center of mass of the curve.

Best Answer

Consider dilating the curve by a constant $c$. The moment of inertia of the dilated curve is proportional to $c^2$. The distance between the original curve and the dilated curve is proportional to $c-1$. What does this imply for the statement?

Edit: Okay, if we're not allowed to dilate the string, we can still change its curvature. Define a family of curves $\gamma_r$ for $r>0$ by $$\gamma_r(s) = \left(r\cos(s/r), r\sin(s/r)\right).$$ Then you can check that $\gamma_r$ is as continuous as you need it to be, and the moment of inertia for any given length is a strictly increasing function of $r$; it has no local extrema.

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