Abstract Algebra – Modules Over Commutative Rings


I'm trying to get my head around modules, and there's a problem that's bothering me regarding scalar multiplication from the left vs from the right.

In many books/articles I've read, the author may refer to a left $R$-module $M$, and then continue to talk of terms such as $xr$, where $x\in M$, $r\in R$. What is right scalar multiplication in a left module? Does it even make sense to talk about it?

I've been trying to show that over a commutative ring, right scalar multiplication and left scalar multiplication are the same thing, but I've not managed it so far. I've googled it to no avail, and I can't see why the distinction between left and right modules disappears when the base ring is commutative.

Thanks for any replies!

Best Answer

Over a commutative ring there is no difference between a left and right module. In general the difference between a left and right module is that in a left module $$a\cdot(b\cdot m)=(ab)\cdot m$$ while in a right module $$(m\cdot a)\cdot b=m\cdot(ab)$$

So if a ring $R$ is non commutative there is a difference between a left and right action. Given a left action $a\cdot m$ if one tries to define $m\cdot a=a\cdot m$ this does not in general give a right action, because $$(m\cdot a)\cdot b=b\cdot(m\cdot a) = b\cdot(a\cdot m)=(ba)\cdot m$$ while $$m\cdot (ab)= (ab)\cdot m$$ However, if $R$ is commutative then there is no problem. Every left action defines a right action which is "the same" and vice versa. In this case it is a matter of convenience whether one chooses to write $a\cdot m$ or $m\cdot a$.

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