Modular Arithmetic – Modular Congruence and Splitting a Modulo

congruencesmodular arithmetic

I can't find out, how to solve this. Will you give me some advice what to do in 4th step? Lot of thanks.

This is my example: $7^{30}\equiv x\pmod{ 100}$
I want to compute it this way.

These are my steps:

  1. Split $100=4\times25$ (I can do that because the greatest common divisor is 1)
  2. $7^{30}\equiv -1\equiv 24 \pmod {25}$
  3. $7^{30} \equiv 1 \pmod4$
  4. Don't know what to do now. The result is $49$. How to get $49$ from this two results?

Best Answer


As $\displaystyle30\equiv2\pmod4,7^{30}\equiv7^2\pmod{100}$

$\displaystyle7\equiv-1\pmod4\implies7^{30}\equiv(-1)^{30}\implies7^{30}\equiv1\pmod4\ \ \ \ (1)$

$\displaystyle7^2=49\equiv-1\pmod{25}\implies7^{30}=(-1)^{15}\implies7^{30}\equiv-1\pmod{25}\ \ \ \ (2)$

Apply Chinese Remainder Theorem on $(1),(2)$