[Math] Modified Euler Method: region of absolute stability

euler's methodnumerical methods

I am having trouble finding the region of absolute stability for modified Euler method:

We define a region R of absolute stability for a one-step
method as the region in the complex plane satisfying:
R = \{\,hκ ∈ C \;:\; |Q(hκ)| < 1\,\} .
I don't fully understand the above definition of region of absolute stability and how to apply it. Clear and step by step help would be much appreciated. Thank you

Best Answer

The function $Q$, which more often than not will be a polynomial or rational function, is the factor that approximates the exponential $e^{hκ}$ in the numerical solution of $w'(t)= κw(t)$. In the exact solution $w(t_{i+1})=e^{hκ}w(t_i)$, in the numerical solution $w_{i+1}=Q(hκ)w_i$. In your scheme \begin{align} w^*_{i+1}&=w_i+h·(κw_i)=(1+hκ)w_i \\ w_{i+1}&=w_i+\frac h2 ((κw_i)+κ(1+hκ)w_i)=(1+hκ+\tfrac12(hκ)^2)w_i \end{align}

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