[Math] Mobius transformation with exactly one fixed point


Let $T$ be a mobius transformation with exactly one fixed point on $\mathbb{C} \cup \{\infty\}$. What form does $T$ take? Find a fomrula for $T^n(z)$. What happens to $T^n(z)$ as $n \to \infty$.


(we will assume $w \neq \infty$ since this case I covered already). If we examine a generic Mobius transformation with exactly one fixed point then we will have


which is solvable by the quadratic equation

$$\frac{a-d \pm \sqrt{(d-a)^2-4cb}}{2c}$$

Since there is only one fixed point this corresponds to the discrimanant being $0$ and so we have the following conditions


If $z=0$ then we have $b=0$ and our transformation is of the form

$$\frac{az}{cz+d}$$ . . .


Frome here the algebra seems to get a bit nasty and I'm not convinced I'm not on the right track going in that direction.

Best Answer

After conjugating by an appropriate transformation $S$, you can assume that the fixed point is $\infty$. Then what form does $T$ take?