[Math] Minimum perimeter of a three-sided rectangular fence with given enclosed area


A three-sided fence is to be built next to a straight section of a river, which forms the fourth side of a rectangular region. The enclosed area is equal to 1800 ft^2. Find the minimum perimeter and the dimensions of the corresponding enclosure.

What I have so far:
Area = length * width = 1800, Perimeter = 2 * length + 2 * width

Substituting gives Perimeter = 3600/width + 2 * width.
The derivative is then -(3600)/(width^2) + 2 = 0. But this ultimately results into width^2 = -1800 and that's not possible??

Best Answer

What got you into difficulty is that you did not take into account that one side of the rectangular region is bounded by the river. Thus, the perimeter of the fence includes just three sides of the rectangle.

The area of the rectangular region is $1800 = lw$, so

$$w = \frac{1800~\text{ft.}^2}{l}$$

The perimeter of the fence is $P = l + 2w$. Substituting for $w$ yields

\begin{align*} P(l) & = l + 2\left(\frac{1800~\text{ft.}^2}{l}\right)\\ & = l + \frac{3600~\text{ft.}^2}{l} \end{align*}

Differentiating yields

$$P'(l) = 1 - \frac{3600~\text{ft.}^2}{l^2}$$

Setting the derivative equal to zero yields $l = 60~\text{ft.}$ The derivative is negative if $l < 60~\text{ft.}$ and positive if $l > 60~\text{ft.}$ Thus, by the First Derivative Test, the perimeter is minimized if $l = 60~\text{ft.}$

If $l = 60~\text{ft.}$, then the width of the rectangular region is

$$w = \frac{1800~\text{ft.}^2}{l} = \frac{1800~\text{ft.}^2}{60~\text{ft.}} = 30~\text{ft.}$$

so the fence has perimeter

$$P = l + 2w = 60~\text{ft.} + 2(30~\text{ft.}) = 120~\text{ft.}$$

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