Permutations – Minimum Moves to Transform One Permutation into Another


I have an initial permutation (eg. $\{A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H~\}$) and a final permutation (eg. $\{A,C,F,D,E,G,B,H~\}$) and I want to find how the final permutation can be created from the initial one using minimum number of moves. In my situation a move is removing a character and inserting it to another position.

For example (let the indices of characters start from zero):

$$\{A,B,C,D,E~\} \xrightarrow[\text{B $\rightarrow$ 4}]{} \{A,C,D,E,B~\}$$

It is obvious, that if we wanted to create permutation $\{A,C,D,E,B~\}$ from $\{A,B,C,D,E~\}$, it would be possible to do it also by other moves:

$$\{A,B,C,D,E~\} \xrightarrow[\text{C $\rightarrow$ 1}]{} \{A,C,B,D,E~\} \xrightarrow[\text{D $\rightarrow$ 2}]{} \{A,C,D,B,E~\} \xrightarrow[\text{E $\rightarrow$ 3}]{} \{A,C,D,B,E~\}$$

But I want to find an optimal way (with minimum number of moves). Is there an algorithm to find the moves? Or at least any methods which solve similar problems?

Thank you for help 🙂

Best Answer

Step 1: Find the longest 'increasing' (alphabetized) subsequence.

Step 2: Preserving this subsequence, move the letters not in this subsequence.

Example: Target: DAGFBCE.

Step 1: Longest alphabetized subsequence is ABCE.


How to carry out step 1: Work from the back of the permutation. The back letter starts an alphabetized sequence of length 1. Put a 1 by the last letter of the sequence. For each previous letter in the permutation, find the letter to its right that it precedes alphabetically and which has the highest assigned number. Add 1 to that value.

In preceding example:

D, A, G, F, B, C, E(1)

D, A, G, F, B, C(2), E(1)

D, A, G, F, B(3), C(2), E(1)

D, A, G, F(1), B(3), C(2), E(1)

D, A, G(1), F(1), B(3), C(2), E(1)

D, A(4), G(1), F(1), B(3), C(2), E(1)

D(2), A(4), G(1), F(1), B(3), C(2), E(1)

Longest sequence is ABCE.

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