[Math] Minimum and maximum of random variable

probabilityprobability distributions

Let $X$ be random variable such that $\begin{align} F_X(x) = 1- e^{-x} \end{align}$ if $x \ge 0$ and $F_X(x)=0$ in other case. Find distribution function $Y= \min(1,X)$, $Z=\max(1,X)$.

If I have to find $\max(X,Y)$ or $\min(X,Y)$ ($X,Y$ – random variable) I don't have any problem. But in this case I have number – what should I do?

Best Answer

Let $Y=\min(1, X)$. We find $F_Y(y)$.

If $y\le 0$, then $$F_Y(y)=\Pr(Y\le y)=\Pr(\min(1,X)\le y)=\Pr(X\le y)=0.$$

Now let $0\lt y\lt 1$. Then $$F_Y(y)=\Pr(Y\le y)=\Pr(\min(1,X)\le y)=\Pr(X\le y)=1-e^{-y}.$$

If $y\ge 1$, then for sure $\min(1,X)\le 1$, and therefore $F_Y(y)=1$.

Note that $Y$ does not have continuous distribution. The function $F_Y(y)$ is continuous almost everywhere, but there is a sudden jump at $1$. There is a point mass at $1$, which is equal to the probability $e^{-1}$ that $X\ge 1$.

We leave it to you to do max. The analysis is similar to the one for min.