[Math] minimizing sum of functions


Sorry in advance if this question is very simple for some. I need to minimize the sum of positive 2-D functions: $\sum_{i=1}^{N} f_i(k_0,k_1)$, and say that the values that optimize each of these functions are known, i.e., $k_{0,i}, k_{1,i}$. Is there a way to prove that the values $K_0, K_1$ that optimize the sum of the functions above satisfy the following

$\underset{i}{\mathrm{min}} \{k_{1,i}\} \leq K_1 \leq \underset{i}{\mathrm{max}} \{k_{1,i}\}$,

$\underset{i}{\mathrm{min}} \{k_{0,i}\} \leq K_0 \leq \underset{i}{\mathrm{max}} \{k_{0,i}\}$?

Best Answer

Already in one dimension we can construct functions which are counterexamples.

Here are three $k=\{0,1,2\}$:

$$f_k(x) = \exp\left(-\frac{|x-k|^{1.6}}{6}\right)\cdot (1-\text{sinc}(x-k)^2)^6$$ As we can see they do have local minima in between the individual minima but they have pairwise maximas exactly on each others minima. The global minimum for the sum is $0$ ( at $x = \pm \infty$ ): enter image description here

For two dimensions we can for example create separable functions with similar properties, global minimum in the middle but local maxima overlapping each others minimum. For example a separable one: $\text{sinc}(x)\text{sinc}(y)$ or a radial one: $\text{sinc}(\sqrt{x^2+y^2})$, which looks like this:

enter image description here

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