[Math] Minimizing fuel usage for small boat between given points


I'm 12 years old and my I was getting bored this afternoon so my dad gave me this math problem (he said it was supposed to be hard, and that I should do some research to learn how to solve it).

"A small boat moving at $V$ km/h uses fuel at a rate given by the function $$q = 8 + \frac {V^2}{50}$$ where q is measured in litres/hour. Determine the speed of the boat at which the amount of fuel used for any given journey is the least."

I had no idea how to do it until i found some stuff on the internet about "calculus". I figured out that i might have to work out a formula for the total fuel consumed (fuel rate multiplied by time). But when i tried to do this, I found that I have created another variable (distance) when i was trying to write V in terms of d/t.

I am really stuck, i feel like i have worked out how to do these types of problems, but this particular one I cannot solve.

I dunno, would you guys maybe be able to solve it, or is it too high-level, maybe i should take it to my math teacher?

Best Answer

Consider the journey is $L$ km long and lasts $t$ hours. What is the relation between $L$, $t$ and $V$ ?

By definition $V=L/t$.

Now compute how many liters of fuel will be consumed during the journey ? Call this number $F$.

$F$ is the consumption rate multiplied by time, so $F=qt$.

Now comes the difficult part. Here's a little help : compute the number of liters of fuel consumed per km (call this number $G$ for instance) and express it so that it depends on $V$ and not on $t$ or $L$.

$G=F/L=qt/L$ Since $V=L/t$, you have $t=L/V$, therefore $G=q/V=8/V+V/50$.

We now have the number of liters of fuel consumed per km that depends only on $V$. We wish to make this number as small as possible. I do not know your background. There is a technique call differentiation (computation of derivative) that gives a response to this problem, but you may not know it. With a plotting program, you can draw the curve of $G$ as a function of $V$ where $V$ can take values from $0$ to a large number, say $100$ for instance. If you don't have it, place your mouse over the area under this paragraph, you'll see how it looks like.

enter image description here

You notice that there is a minimum at a value that you can read on the axis.

The value of the minimum is located at $V=20$ liters per hour.

How can one find the value without a graphic method ? Compute $\frac52G$ and try to write the formula as simple as you can. The answer is quite symmetric.

You should find $\frac52G=\frac{20}V+\frac{V}{20}$.

Now here is a little reasoning. Replace $V$ in such a way that the equation for $\frac52G$ is simply $x+\frac1x$. Knowing that this function has a unique minimum, you should be able to prove the result you have found graphically.

Setting $x=\frac{V}{20}$ we have the formula $\frac52G=x+\frac1x$. The minimum of $G$ is the same as the minimum of $\frac52G$ and then it is the minimum of $x+\frac1x$. Notice that if you replace $x$ by $\frac1x$, this does not change the value: This means that the minimum is obtained for $x$ and for $\frac1x$. But there is a unique minimum, which means that $x=\frac1x$. The only solution is therefore $x=1$ and then $V=20$.

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