[Math] Minimize Frobenius norm with constraints


As a follow-up on my previous question, I would like to solve the following optimization problem:

$$\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \| \mathrm M \mathrm A – \mathrm B \|_F^2 – \mathrm x^H \mathrm M \mathrm y\\ \text{subject to} & \mathrm M^H \mathrm M = \mathrm I\end{array}$$

where $A$ and $B$ are $N\times L$ complex matrices. $M$ is $N\times N$ complex matrix and $x,y$ are $N\times 1$ complex vectors.

To my understanding this is equivalent to the problem

$$\max\Re\left\{tr\left(MAB^H \right)\right\}+\frac{1}{2} x^HMy \quad \text{s.t.}\quad M^HM=I$$

I am not sure how to proceed from here. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

To use a standard Lagrangian approach, and still assuming that everything is real, since in the contrary case, $x^HMy$ is complex and can not be maximized, and if it is replaced by $Re(x^HMy)$, then one may forget the complex structure and double the dimension from complex to real,...

... the Lagrange function is \begin{align} L(M,\Lambda)&=∥MA−B∥^2_F−x^TMy-tr(Λ(M^TM-I))\\ &=∥A∥^2_F+∥B∥^2_F-2tr(MAB^T)−tr(yx^TM)-tr(Λ(M^TM-I)) %tr(ΛM^TX+ΛX^TM) \end{align} with derivative $$ 0=\frac{∂L}{∂M}=-2AB^T-yx^T-(Λ+Λ^T)M^T $$ or $$ M(Λ+Λ^T)=-2BA^T-xy^T $$ There is no unique solution to this problem, one special solution can be found by noting that if $(Λ+Λ^T)$ is positive definite, then the left side is the polar decomposition of the right side. Which again can be computed using the SVD of the right side.