[Math] Minimal polynomials over $\mathbb{Q}(i,\sqrt[3]{2})$


Let $\sqrt[3]{2}$ be the real cube root of 2.

(a) Find the minimal polynomials of cube root of $2$ and $i$ over $\mathbb{Q}$.
(b) Find the minimal polynomial of $i$ over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$.
(c) Show that $\mathbb{Q}(i\cdot\sqrt[3]{2}) = \mathbb{Q}(i,\sqrt[3]{2})$.
(d) Find the minimal polynomial of $i\cdot\sqrt[3]{2}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$.

I am lost in this setup, and this is not a homework assignment. It is just for something the teacher didn't cover due to lack of time.

For part a:

I got the answer to be x^3 -2 and x^2 + 1, respectively

For part b:

I got the answer to be x^2 + 1

part c: I am unsure what's going on, and need help. can someone explain it please?

part d: answer is x^6 + 4 = 0, right?

Best Answer

Here's a little help with part c). Can you see why it's enough to show that $i\root3\of2$ is in ${\bf Q}(i,\root3\of2)$ and that both $i$ and $\root3\of2$ are in ${\bf Q}(i\root3\of2)$? Can you see that the first of these inclusions is trivial? Can you see why $(i\root3\of2)^4$ is in ${\bf Q}(i\root3\of2)$, and how that helps you to show that both $i$ and $\root3\of2$ are in ${\bf Q}(i\root3\of2)$?

Actually, maybe I should start with this: do you know what ${\bf Q}(\root3\of2)$ means? If you don't know that, that's the place to start.

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