[Math] Minesweeper, random odds.


So there are 480 squares and 99 mines on the advanced level of minesweeper. It got me thinking, what would be the chances of winning the game randomly clicking each square? So not being influenced by numbers and without it doing any multi openings, so you would need to click 381 boxes (I think) 🙂

Best Answer

Using the information that the first click is never a mine, we need to do $380$ clicks out of $479$ squares successfully. The first is a chance of $\frac {380}{479}$ The second is $\frac {379}{478}$ and so on. The total is $\frac {380!\cdot 99!}{479!}\approx 2 \cdot 10^{-105}$. Don't hold your breath.
This presumes that neither you nor the computer are smart enough to click all the squares around a 0, but I think that is the spirit of the question.

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