[Math] Methods to prove that two groups are isomorphic


What are some of the more effective methods to prove that 2 groups are isomorphic. The methods that I am currently using now is to always find a function from A to B that is bijective and homomorphic which is rather tedious. However, I believe that there should be more effective ways other than constructing a function all the time. Can someone share with me some of the more effective methods? In one of my assignment question that asks me to show that $Q_8/Z(Q)$ is isomorphic to klein four group. The solution given is that other than the identity, all the elements of $Q_8/Z(Q)$ and klein four groups are of order two. So they are isomorphic. I am wondering why such a conclusion can be made. Thanks.

Best Answer

That conclusion that $Q/Z(Q) \cong V$ is founded on that $|Q/Z(Q)| = 4$. Thus $Q/Z(Q)$ is isomorphic to either $\mathbb Z_4$ or $V$. (Why? These group operations are the only valid ones on a set of four elements. To see this, try writing out a group table for a group of four elements just from the axioms. You will end up with exactly two possibilities up to isomorphism)

So our task is to figure out which group $Q/Z(Q)$ is isomorphic to. We know that order is preserved through isomorphism, and $\mathbb Z_4$ has two elements of order 4 while $V$ has none. Thus observing that $Q/Z(Q)$ has all elements of order $\le 2$ shows that it cannot be isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_4$ and we are done.