[Math] Measure Product Theorem: may non-$\sigma$-finiteness result unique product


Let $i\in\{1,2\}$. The Measure Product Theorem states that, given the measure spaces $(X_i,\Sigma_i,\mu_i)$, there is at least one product measure $\pi$ such that $\pi(A_1\times A_2)=\mu_1(A_1)\;\mu_2(A_2)$, for $A_i\in\Sigma_i$.

It also states that if the $\mu_i$'s are $\sigma$-finite, then $\pi$ is unique.

I'd like an example of a non-$\sigma$-finite pair of measures from which, nevertheless, we only obtain one product, thus showing "if" cannot be "iff" on the paragraph above.

Best Answer

Trivial example: $X = \{x\}$ has one point, $\mu(\{x\}) = \infty$, $X_1 = X_2 = X$, and $\mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu$. Not $\sigma$-finite, but the unique product measure is $\lambda(\{(x,x)\}) = \infty$.

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