[Math] Meaning of the word “conjugate” across mathematics


Clearly, the word conjugate or conjugation is used for a myriad of different concepts across mathematics and even in science (see the Wikipedia page).

Its meaning can range from the fraction used to rationalize a denominator in pre-algebra, to the $gNg^{-1}$ action in group theory. Complex numbers have conjugates, and harmonic functions can have “harmonic conjugates”.

Surprisingly, I can’t find an explanation of the origin of the word “conjugate” to describe all these cases, nor an explicit meaning or mathematical definition of the word itself.

What is the history of this word, and what (if any) unifying concepts tie the examples together?

Best Answer

The word, simply put, means "coupled". In Spanish, you have the word "cónyuge" for the husband or wife of a person. Here we usually have a certain concept (the conjugates of a root, the harmonic conjugate), or operation (elements in the same orbit of an action) and we like to identify elements related under this concept.

I wouldn't think there is a unifying (mathematical concept) that tie these examples together. At least, I wouldn't bet on it.

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