[Math] Meaning of “holes” counted by homology groups


In a lot of more or less informal introductions to simplicial homology
often the groups $H_k(X)$ of a topological space or CW space
are introduced as groups which "counting $k$-dimensional holes". I know that
is of course motivated by rather elementary examples but nevertheless
even if we discuss simple examples like sphere or torus it is
not clear to me what is preciesely meant by a "$k$-dimensional hole".

Can it be clarified? Note, that it's only about intuition, I know that all this 'hole counting approach' of homology groups cannot be formally approached, but even from 'informal' point of view I see several problems which I would like to clarify.
The two most common examples, the $2$-sphere $S^2$ and
the torus $T= S^1 \times S^1$ are discussed here in Wikipedia: these two examples carry exactly the two properties of this 'hole terminology' which I find rather misleading or maybe just misunderstand.

The terminology of "holes" in case of $S^2$ looks to me intuitively rather acceptable up to the dimension choice, see further.
We call the $0$-holes the connected components. Since the sphere
is hollow, it is reasonable to say that is has a "hole".
But why this "hole" of $S^2$ is called $2$-dimensional hole?
Intuitively the hollow space inside of $S^2$ is $3$-dimensional,
therefore I not understand what is the logic behind the name
"$2$-hole" here.

Similary it is said that the circle $S^1$ has a $1$-dimensional hole.
But isn't this hole regarded from common sense $2$-dimensional?
Essentially this "hole" is the removed inner of a $2$-disc $D$ where
$S^1 = \partial D$. Can somebody clarify the 'logic' behind the
"dimension" of the holes in this setting.

Even more confusing is the notation of a hole for a torus $T$. According to
the 'logic' above a $k$-dimensional hole of a $k$-simensional
"surface" is the 'removed inner mass' which as observed in examples
before seemingly should be always contractible to a point.
But in case of torus the $1$-hole is not even contractible, since
it is homotopic to $S^1$.

That's confusing. Is it possible at least just for these two quite simple examples to precisely define what a $k$-hole is?

Best Answer

The "dimension" of a hole is the dimension of the part that actually exists. For a sphere, then, we have a $2$-dimensional boundary, which is missing a $3$-dimensional ball inside it. We call that a $2$-dimensional hole.

Similarly, for a circle, we have a $1$-dimensional boundary which is missing a $2$-dimensional disk inside it. So that's a $1$-dimensional hole.

Now for a torus. We have two $1$-dimensional holes -- that is, circles which don't bound disks (do you see what they are?). We also have a $2$-dimensional hole. That is, a $2$-dimensional surface (the torus itself) which isn't the boundary of a $3$-dimensional surface. This is the "air" inside the inner tube.

In general, an "$n$-dimensional hole" is an $n$-dimensional (boundaryless) subcomplex which is not the boundary of an $n+1$-dimensional subcomplex. Notice how this can be formalized with the standard language of homology, where an element of the $n$th homology group is a cycle that isn't a boundary.

I hope this helps ^_^

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