[Math] Mean and variance of two normal distributions.


Assume X and Y are both normally distributed random variables.

  • Assume X is distributed with means of Mx and variance of $\Sigma_x$
  • Assume Y is distributed with means of My and variance of $\Sigma_y$

Let there by Z a random variable such as: Z = X – Y
Does that make Z a random variable with the means of Mx – My and the variance of $\Sigma_x – \Sigma_Y$?

If no what are Z's parameters?


Best Answer

You really should look at $-Y$ as Normal with mean $-M_y$, variance $\Sigma_y$ and use the formula for $Var (X+Y)$.

Alternatively, for any random variables

$E(X-Y) = EX - EY$ and $Var(X-Y) = Var (X) + Var (Y) - 2 Cov (X,Y)$.

Your expression for Variance is almost always wrong. The only obvious casee I can see it is correct is when $Y$ is a constant or $Y=-X$.

What is interesting here is whether $Z$ is normally distributed. The answer is

Yes if (X,Y) is jointly normal

Not necessarily if (X,Y) are only known to be marginally normal

Consider this construction:

take $X$ to be $N(0,1)$ distribution. Take $Y=X$ if $|X|\leq c$, $Y=-X$, if $|X|>c$, where $c>0$.

Convince yourself $Y$ is also distributed as $N(0,1)$!

here $X-Y=0$ if $|X|\leq c$, else it equals to $2X$, which is never not normal.