[Math] Mazzola’s “Topos of Music” about


Disclaimers: I am neither a musician, nor I want to discredit Mazzola's work. Corollary of the first point: please use a plain style, without technical terms in the area of Music Theory. Corollary of the second: don't take my disbelief in Mazzola's work as an offense. 😉

So, the question is: what is Mazzola's "Topos of music" about? Is the considerable required amount of advanced Mathematics a necessary tool to achieve the goals of the book? Can a discrete knowledge of those mathematical prerequisite shed some light to the mathematical approach to music theory? Does somebody out there managed to apply Mazzola's ideas (if there are some, sensible to be applied) to a "concrete" situation?


Best Answer

the theory has been applied in my composition software presto for atari (google it, it is still available for PC emulation), and for the universal software rubato for composition, analysis, and performance. These software were also used to compose music, see mazzola's homepage www.encyclospace.org, and go to CV there. Best, Guerino Mazzola

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