[Math] Maximum Principle fot the pde : $\Delta u=u^3$

laplacianmaximum-principlepartial differential equations

We are studying about the maximum principle this semester and the following is an exercise which has been assigned to us.

$Let\;u\in\;\mathcal C^2(D)\cap \mathcal C(\bar
D)\;where\;D=\{(x,y)\in \mathbb R^2 :\;x^2+y^2\lt

Well,I tried to solve this by separating cases for the sign of $u$.

CASE 1 $\;\;\;\;u\le 0\;\forall (x,y)\in D\;$

Then $\Delta u \le 0\;\;$ and by the weak maximum principle for superharmonic functions we conclude $\min_{\bar D} u = min_{boundary\;of\;D} u=0$ $(1)$

CASE2$\;\;\;\;u\ge 0\;\forall (x,y)\in D$

Then $\Delta u\ge 0\;\;$ and by the weak maximum principle for subharmonic functions we conclude $\max_{\bar D} u = max_{boundary\;of\;D} u=0$ $(2)$

Now from $(1),(2)$ follows that $u$ is identically zero on $D$.

My question is if the above thought is correct.I have doubts about the separation because I am not 100% sure that $u$ preseves its sign on D.Could somebody fix this problem for me or give me some hints for the exercise?

I would appreciate any help! Thanks in advance

Best Answer

By continuity, there exists $x_0 \in D$ such that $u(x_0)=\max_{x\in\overline{D}}u(x)$.

If $x_0 \in \partial D$, then $\max u=0$. Hence $u\leq 0$. And you can apply what you did.

If $x_0 \in D$, then $\Delta u(x_0) \leq 0$, so that $u^3(x_0)\leq 0$, which givess $u(x_0)\leq 0$. Hence $u\leq 0$ and you can apply what you did.

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