[Math] Maximum of Three Uniform Random Variables


Here is the question, I am studying for exam P, and am using a study guide with a solution guide. I am stumped on this problem, and the solution in the back was very confusing. Any clarity I can get would be tremendously appreciated. Here is the problem:

Three individuals are running a one kilometer race. The completion time for each individual is a random variable. $X_i$ is the completion time, in minutes, for person $i$.

$X_1$: uniform distribution on the interval [2.9, 3.1]

$X_2$: uniform distribution on the interval [2.7, 3.1]

$X_3$: uniform distribution on the interval [2.9, 3.3]

The three completion times are independent of one another.
Find the expected latest completion time (nearest .1)

I let $Y = \max\{X_1, X_2, X_3\}$

$F_Y(y) = P[Y \leq y] = P[\max\{X_1, X_2, X_3\} \leq y]$

So, in short, $5(y-2.9)(2.5)(y-2.7)(2.5)(y-2.9)$,

However, the author uses a piecewise function, with what I have above, but he has two different intervals which I don't understand where he got. This is what he has:

$$F_Y(y) = \begin{cases} 5(y-2.9)(2.5)(y-2.7)(2.5)(y-2.9), & 2.9 \leq y \leq 3.1 \\ 2.5(y-2.9), & 3.1 \leq y \leq 3.3 \\

Sorry, for the jumbled piecewise function, I'm not sure how to space it out more.

My questions, is how did he get the second part where the interval is $3.1 \leq y \leq 3.3$

Best Answer

$$\begin{align}\text{You have:} \\ X_1 &\sim {\cal U} [2.9, 3.1] \iff F_{X_1}(y) = 5(y-2.9)\operatorname{\bf 1}_{[2.9,3.1]}(y) + \operatorname{H}(y-3.1) \\ X_2 &\sim {\cal U} [2.7, 3.1] \iff F_{X_2}(y) = \tfrac 5 2 (y-2.7)\operatorname{\bf 1}_{[2.7,3.1]}(y) + \operatorname{H}(y-3.1) \\ X_3 &\sim {\cal U} [2.9, 3.3] \iff F_{X_3}(y) = \tfrac 5 2 (y-2.9)\operatorname{\bf 1}_{[2.9,3.3]}(y) + \operatorname{H}(y-3.3) \\ F_Y(y) & = F_{X_1}(y)F_{X_2}(y)F_{X_3}(y) \end{align}$$ Note that each of the three distributions are defined on have overlapping domains. These can be split into: $[2.7, 2.9); [2.9, 3.1); [3.1,3.3]$.

Now, the probability of a RV having a value less than its lower bound is 0, and the probability of having a value less than its upper bound is 1, so: $$F_Y(y) = \begin{cases} 0 & y < 2.7 \\ \overbrace{F_{X_1}(y)}^{=0}F_{X_2}(y)\overbrace{F_{X_3}(y)}^{=0} & y \in [2.7,2.9) \\ F_{X_1}(y)F_{X_2}(y)F_{X_3}(y) & y\in [2.9,3.1) \\ \underbrace{F_{X_1}(y)}_{=1}\underbrace{F_{X_2}(y)}_{=1}F_{X_3}(y) & y\in [3.1,3.3] \\ 1 & y>3.1 \end{cases}$$

$$\therefore F_Y(y) = \begin{cases} 0 & y < 2.9 \\ \tfrac {125}{4} (y-2.9)(y-2.7)^2 & y\in [2.9,3.1) \\ \tfrac{5}{2} (y-2.9) & y\in [3.1,3.3] \\ 1 & y > 3.3 \end{cases}$$

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