[Math] Maximum/Minimum on a Unit Disk


I need to find absolute maximum and minimum values of
on a unit disk $D={(x,y)|x^2+y^2\le 1}$

I thought about finding $f_x$ and $f_y$ first to find in the critical point is in $D$ or not. I think that it is because I found it to be $(0,0)$. From here we have to look at the boundary, am I correct? How do I proceed?

Best Answer

Let $x = r\cos \theta, y = r\sin \theta \to f(r,\theta) = 4r^3\cos^3 \theta + 3r^2\sin^2 \theta=4r^3\cos^3\theta + 3r^2(1-\cos^2\theta)=3r^2+4r^3\cos^3\theta-3r^2\cos^2\theta$. Let $t = \cos \theta \to f(r,\theta) = f(r,t) = 3r^2+4r^3t^3-3r^2t^2$ with $0 \leq r \leq 1, -1 \leq t \leq 1$. Now taking partials we have: $f_r = 6r(1+2rt^3-t^2) = 0 = f_t = 6r^2t(2rt-1)$. Now if $rt \neq 0$, then: $1+2rt^3-t^2 = 0 = 2rt-1 \to 0=1 + t^2(2rt-1) = 1 + 0 = 1$, contradiction. Thus $rt = 0$. If $r = 0 = t \to x = 0 = y$. If $r = 0$ only ,then $x = r\cos \theta = 0 = r\sin \theta = y$. If $t = 0$ only, then $x = rt = 0, y = \pm r$. From this we conclude that: $f_{\text{localmin}} = 0, f_{\text{localmax}} = 3$, and considering the endpoints we evaluate $f(r,t)$ at $(r,t) = (0,\pm1),(1,\pm1)$, and have $f_{\text{absolutemin}} = -4, f_{\text{absolutemax}} = 4$.