Geometry Optimization – Maximum Distance Between Points in a Triangle


An equilateral triangle has sides of unit length.
a)Show that if five points lie in/on the triangle, then at least two of the points lie no farther than 0.5 units apart.
b)Show that 0.5 cannot be replaced by a smaller number even if there are six points.
c)If there are eight points, can 0.5 be replaced by a smaller number?

a) was simple, just divided the triangle into four equilateral triangles and used PHP. b) followed with a counterexample by placing the points on the vertices and midpoints, but c) has me stumped. I tried an approach similar to the one and think that the answer should be Yes, but can't prove it.

PS. How can we rigorously prove that two points in one of the sub-triangles differ by at most 0.5 unit. The distance "should" be maximal when the points are on the vertices, but can't prove it.

Best Answer

Re your PS: Pick two points $P,Q$ in an equilateral triangle $A,B,C$. project $A,B,C$ to the line $PQ$, giving $A',B',C'$. Say $A'$ is the "leftmost" and $B'$ the "rightmost" of the projections. Then $|PQ|\le |A'B'|\le |AB|$. (We see that by the same argument, two points in a polygon are at most as far apart as two vertices, i.e., as the maximal edge-or.diagonal.

Now to c: Let $ABC$ be our triangle. Pick suitable $r=\frac{\sqrt3-1}{2}\approx 0.366<\frac12$. Draw the circles with radius $r$ around $A,B,C$. In the "middle" there is room for a small equilateral triangle with vertices on these circles and side length $1-r\sqrt 3=r$. Verify that all seven parts in the figure have diameter $r$. Therefore, the pigeons strike back if we have eight points.

To visualize, in the following illustration all blue circles have radius $r$ and centre one of the nodes:

enter image description here