Geometry – Maximum Area of Rectangle with Fixed Perimeter


How can you, with polynomial functions, determine the maximum area of a rectangle with a fixed perimeter.

Here's the exact problem—

You have 28 feet of rabbit-proof fencing to install around your vegetable garden. What are the dimensions of the garden with the largest area?

I've looked around this Stack Exchange and haven't found an answer to this sort of problem (I have, oddly, found a similar one for concave pentagons).

If you can't give me the exact answer, any hints to get the correct answer would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

The result you need is that for a rectangle with a given perimeter the square has the largest area. So with a perimeter of 28 feet, you can form a square with sides of 7 feet and area of 49 square feet.

This follows since given a positive number $A$ with $xy = A$ the sum $x + y$ is smallest when $x = y = \sqrt{A}$.

You have $2x + 2y = P \implies x + y = P/2$, and you want to find the maximum of the area, $A = xy$.

Since $x + y = P/2 \implies y = P/2 - x$, you substitute to get $A = x(P/2-x) = (P/2)x - x^2$. In your example $P = 28$, so you want to find the maximum of $A = 14x - x^2$.