[Math] Maximum area of a isosceles triangle in a circle with a radius r


As said in the title, I'm looking for the maximum area of a isosceles triangle in a circle with a radius $r$.

I've split the isosceles triangle in two, and I solve for the area $A=\frac{bh}{2}$*. I have made my base $x$, and solve for the height by using the Pythagorean theorem of the smaller triangle (seen in picture).


enter image description here

So my the formula, I think, for both triangles should be $A=x(r+\sqrt{r^2-x^2})$

But after I solved for the derivative, when put "$= 0$", and checked on my calculator, I got the maximum to be about $4.3301r$, which differs a lot from my book's answer of $\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{4}r^2$*. Is my formula for the area right? Am I going about this the wrong way, or is it just my derivative that is wrong? Thanks in advance

Edited from original post










Best Answer

Let $\theta$ be one-half of the vertex angle (less than a right angle) of the isosceles triangle.

Exercise: Show that the area of the inscribed triangle is
$A(\theta) = \dfrac{h b}{2} = \dfrac{(r + r \cos\theta)}{2} (2 r \sin\theta) = r^2 \,(1+\cos\theta) \, \sin\theta $

Differentiating $A$ and setting it to $0$, you will be left with the problem of solving
$\cos\theta = -\cos2 \theta.$

Exercise: Show that the only $\theta$ in $\left(0, \dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)$ that works is $\dfrac{\pi}{3}$.

Plugging these into $A$ we get the answer: $\dfrac{3\sqrt 3 r^2}{4}.$