[Math] Maximum and minimum absolute value of a complex number

algebra-precalculuscomplex numbersmaxima-minima

Let, $z \in \mathbb C$ and $|z|=2$. What's the maximum and minimum value of $$\left| z – \frac{1}{z} \right|? $$

I only have a vague idea to attack this problem.
Here's my thinking :

Let $z=a+bi$

Exploiting the fact that, $a^2+b^2=4$

We get $z-\dfrac{1}{z}=a-\dfrac{a}{4}+i\left(b+\dfrac{b}{4}\right)$


The minimum value can be obtained if we can minimize $b^2-a^2$.
Setting $b=0$ gives
the minimum value $\sqrt{2+\dfrac{1}{4}}=\dfrac{3}{2}$

Now, comes the maximum value.
We can write $$\sqrt{4+\dfrac{1}{4}+\dfrac{1}{2}(b^2-a^2)}$$

Setting $a=0$ gives the maximum value $\sqrt{6+\dfrac{1}{4}}=\dfrac{5}{2}$.

I don't know if it's okay to set $b=0$ since $z$ would become a real number then.

Best Answer

A (very) faster way:

We know that $z$ is in the circle centered at $0$ and radius $2$ and $1/z$ is in the circle of center $0$ and radius $1/2$. The maximum distance between a point of the former and a point of the latter is $$2+\frac12=\frac52$$ Now, we need to show that there exists some $z$ such that this distance is reached. Take $z=2i$.

Can you deal with the minimum now?

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