[Math] Maximizing the volume of a rectangular prism


A rectangular prism has a surface area of $300$ square inches. What whole number dimensions give the prism the greatest volume?

This is a math olympiad problem. It involves the volume and surface area of a prism.

Please, find a good solution.

Thank You!

Best Answer

If we are assuming a fully rectangular prism---right angles all around---then there actually are only two candidates: $(h,w,l)=(20,5,2)$ and $(h,w,l)=(12,9,2)$. The former has a volume of 200, the latter has a volume of 216. So $(12,9,2)$ it is.

I solved this by exhaustive search. Here's my very dumb MATLAB code. Certainly it's not the most efficient but sometimes life calls for quick and dirty solutions. At least I limit the loops to 75, since the largest single dimension to achieve a surface area of 300 has to be less than that: $(75,1,1)$ gives us a surface area of 302:

for h = 1 : 75,
    for w = 1 : h,
        for l = 1 : w,
            if 2*(h*w+h*l+w*l) == 300,

So how would you do this without code? Well, I'd probably begin an exhaustive search, frankly, but with some efficiency. Let's rewrite the surface area formula as follows: $$2(hw+hl+wl)=300 \quad\Longrightarrow\quad hw+l(w+h)=150 \quad\Longrightarrow\quad (h+l)(w+l)=150+l^2$$ So for a fixed value of $l$, $150+l^2$ must admit an integral factorization $pq$ with $p,q>l$.

  • Consider $l=1$: we have $pq=151$. Since 151 is prime, so there are no solutions. Continuing:
  • $l=2$, $pq=154$, prime factors 2, 7, and 11. Since $p,q>2$, our choices are $(p,q)\in\{(22,7),(14,11)\}$ or $(h,w,l)\in\{(20,5,2),(12,9,2)\}$. These are the two answers we found above.
  • $l=3$: $pq=159$, prime factors 3 and 53; since $p,q>3$, there are no solutions.
  • $l=4$: $pq=166$, prime factors 2 and 83; no solutions with $p,q>4$.
  • $l=5$: $pq=175$, factors 5, 5, and 7. The only solution with $p,q>5$ is $(p,q)=(25,7)$, which gives us $(h,w,l)=(20,2,5)$, a permutation of our previous solution (and not even the optimal one, at that!).
  • $l=6$: $pq=186$, factors 2, 3, 31; no solutions with $p,q>6$.
  • $l=7$: $pq=199$, prime, no solutions.

I could continue, but since this is a contest problem I probably would have taken a chance on $(12,9,2)$ pretty much as soon as I acquired it. Even if I had time I doubt I would have bothered to proceed past $l=4$ or $l=5$.