[Math] Maximizing/Minimizing triangle area


The problem

What I got so far

I think I set it up right and I know area of a triangle is 1/2(BH). So I get 1/2(xy) and then try to maximize/minimize X? What do I plug in for Y?

Best Answer

Since the point is on the curve $y=\exp(\frac {-x}3)$ that is what you should use for $y$. Then you can maximize over $x$.

Added: The area of the triangle is $A=\frac 12x\exp(\frac {-x}3)$ Then $\frac{dA}{dx}=\frac 12\left( \exp(\frac{-x}3)-\frac x3\exp(\frac{-x}3)\right)$ Does that help?

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