[Math] Maximizing heads/number of flips game


Flip a coin until you wish to stop. Your goal is to maximize the ratio number of heads/total number of flips. What is the expected value of this game? Additionally, how would one play this game?

Best Answer

This seems like a tricky problem. If you are ever below $1/2$, you should keep flipping because the fraction of heads will converge to $1/2$ with probability $1$ if you keep flipping. Also since the number of heads is a random walk, the fraction of heads will go above $1/2$ infinitely often with probability $1$ if you keep flipping, so even if you are at exactly $1/2$ you should keep flipping. If the first flip is heads you should obviously stop. If the first flip is tails and the second two flips are heads you should probably also stop. But as the number of flips increases, things get a bit tricky. The standard deviation of the ratio is proportional to $1/\sqrt{N}$ for $N$ flips, so if the number of flips is large and you keep flipping it seems like your ratio will stay close to $1/2$ with high probability, although occasionally you may get a ratio equal to or above $1/2 + k/\sqrt{N}$ for some small $k$ on the order of $1$ or $10$ or so. The question is what $k$ to stop at as a function of $N$. If you choose $k$ too large, then on average you'll have to wait for a larger $N$ until you hit the ratio, so the expected value of $k/\sqrt{N}$ maybe smaller than if you had chosen a smaller $k$ to wait for.

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