[Math] Maximal Ideals in Polynomial Ring Over a Field


Okay. I showed that $(x)$ is a maximal ideal in the polynomial ring $F[x]$, where $F$ is some field. Now I have been asked to find another maximal ideal in $F[x]$. I tried showing that $(x+1)$ is a maximal ideal, but I had to luck. I could use a hint. I don't know very much about polynomials at this point (e.g., the degree of a polynomial hasn't even been defined yet; also, I don't know that $F[x]$ is a PID). I do know, e.g., that if $F[x]/I$ is a division ring, where $I$ is an ideal, then $I$ is a maximal ideal. I tried this for $I=(x+1)$, but I had no luck.

Best Answer

Hint: Instead of describing another maximal ideal explicitly using generators, just try to describe it as a kernel of some surjective homomorphism to a field. The ideal $(x)$ is the kernel of surjective homomorphism $\varphi:F[x]\to F$ given by $\varphi(f)=f(0)$. Can you think of any other homomorphisms $F[x]\to F$ defined similarly, which you could take the kernel of?

An answer is hidden below.

For any element $a\in F$, there is a homomorphism $ev_a:F[x]\to F$ given by $ev_a(f)=f(a)$. This is surjective, since for any $b\in F$, $ev_a$ sends the constant polynomial $b$ to $b$. So for any $a$, the kernel of $ev_a$ is another maximal ideal in $F[x]$. These maximal ideals are all different from each other, because $x-a\in\ker(ev_a)$ but $x-b\not\in\ker(ev_a)$ for all other $b\in F$. In fact, $\ker(ev_a)=(x-a)$ so you can get your proposed maximal ideal $(x+1)$ as $\ker(ev_{-1})$, but this takes some work to prove.

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