[Math] max summation notation


Doing some homework I came across this notation:

$$ \max_{i=1}^n |x_i − c|$$

I have been given $n$ values of $x$. I need to perform a $\min$ function on this function for $c$ (might need help with that later) but for now can anyone explain what this "max summation" (at least thats what it looks like to me) function notation does? i.e. how would I write it out for $n=2$ and $x_i= 3 , 6$

Best Answer

This notation is just another way of writing

$$ \max_{i} |x_i - c| $$

or even better

$$\max \{ |x_i - c| : i = 1, 2, \ldots , n \}. $$

It tells you to extract that maximum of that expression, running over all indices $i$.